Welcome to the 3rd
CINI HPC Summer school 16-20 June 2025, Naples (Italy)
The International Summer School on High-Performance Computing for Science, Industry, and Society.

About the school
HPC for Science, Industry, and Society

Important dates
- Application: from January 1 to April 11, 2025
- Acceptance: April 18, 2025
- Enrollment and fee payment: April 30, 2025
- School: June 16-20, 2025
We are looking for Ph.D. students, young researchers, professional engineers operating in the industry, and outstanding undergraduate students. Applicants will be evaluated on their CV. Application will be open until 11 April, 2025.
- Access to all classes
- Teaching materials
- Mentoring
- Social events
Faculties/research center technicians
- Access to all classes
- Teaching materials
- Mentoring
- Social events
- Access to all classes
- Teaching materials
- Mentoring
- Social events

Institute for Applied Computing of the National Research Council and CINI National Lab. on HPC-KTT.
Short bio
Pasqua D’Ambra is a Research Director with the National Research Council (CNR) of Italy at the Institute for Applied Computing “Mauro Picone” (IAC) in Naples. She earned her PhD in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Naples Federico II, Italy. Her research interests are in parallel numerical algorithms and mathematical software with applications to Computational and Data Science. She is WP leader in Euro-HPC projects and is a co-author of open-source scientific libraries for parallel sparse matrix computations targeting exascale. She serves as editor and reviewer for relevant scientific journals and funding institutions and is involved in scientific committees of main European conferences on HPC topics. She is a member of the Governing Board of the CINI Laboratory on HPC-KTT since its inception.

Department of Mathematics and Applications, University of Naples "Federico II" and CINI National Lab. on HPC-KTT.
Short bio
Marco Lapegna is an associate professor of computer science at the Department of Mathematics and Applications at the University of Naples Federico II (Italy). He earned his PhD in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Naples Federico II, Italy. He is involved in numerous national and international projects on implementing methods, algorithms, and software in high-performance parallel and distributed computing systems, focusing on environmental applications. He is an Associate Editor of primary scientific journals and has served as a PC member or workshop organizer at several international conferences in the field of HPC. He is a member of the CINI Laboratory on HPC-KTT since its inception.

Department of Science and Technologies (DiST), University of Naples "Parthenope" and CINI National Lab. on HPC-KTT.
Short bio
Raffaele Montella is an Associate Professor with tenure in Computer Science at the Department of Science and Technologies (DiST), University of Naples “Parthenope’” (UNP), Italy. He teaches computer architecture, web technologies, cloud computing, mobile computing, future architectures, and parallel programming paradigms. His main research topics and scientific production are focused on tools for high-performance computing, cloud computing, and GPUs with applications in computational environmental science (multi-dimensional geo-referenced big data, distributed computing for modeling, scientific workflows, and science gateways). He is the director of the High-Performance Scientific Computing Laboratory and a member of the Governing Board of the CINI Laboratory on HPC-KTT.
School management
- Federica Izzo, Chief Organizer, federica.izzo@hpcsummerschool.it
Steering committee
- Marco Aldinucci, University of Torino
- Andrea Bartolini, University of Bologna
- Marco Danelutto, University of Pisa
- Daniele De Sensi, University of Rome “Sapienza”
- Salvatore Filippone, University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
- William Fornaciari, Politecnico di Milano
- Francesco Leporati, University of Pavia
- Sergio Saponara, University of Pisa
- Domenico Talia, University of Calabria
- Flavio Vella, University of Trento