In the lesson we will briefly see the state of the art of HPC systems and together we will try to trace the nautical route towards the future of HPC which seems increasingly dominated by the needs of modern AI.

Marco Aldinucci – University of Torino & CINI lab HPC-KTT
Marco Aldinucci is a full professor and head of the Parallel Computing research group at the University of Turin. He has authored over 180 scientific articles and received several prestigious awards, including the HPC Advisory Council University and IBM Faculty awards. Marco has been involved in over 15 EU-funded research projects, securing over €10 million for the university. He has co-designed several open-source programming frameworks like Fastflow and Streamflow. Additionally, he founded the HPC4AI laboratory and the CINI HPC Key Technologies and Tools national laboratory, as well as initiated the Software & Integration national laboratory at the Italian National Centre on HPC.
Event Timeslots (1)
Mon 16 – Architecture
M. Aldinucci (University of Torino & CINI lab HPC-KTT)