MPI (Message Passing Interface) is a commonly used parallel programming paradigm that enables data exhange between processes in a distributed memory environment. The lecture will complete the MPI tutorial with exercises that will give the student the opportunity to apply the concepts learned before.

Alessandro Marani – CINECA
Alessandro Marani has a Master’s Degree in Mathematics, with a thesis on the field of Algebraic Topology. Since 2011, he works as a member of the HPC User Support staff at CINECA, where his focus is on production aspects such as sanity checks, benchmarks and scheduler priority tuning. He also co-operates with OGS, the Italian Institute of Oceanography, for the development of a workflow related to biogeochemistry modeling and forecasting of the Mediterranean Sea. At CINECA, he is in charge of the annual HPC Course of Introduction to Parallel Programming with MPI and OpenMP.

Orlenys Natali Troconis – CINECA
I got my degree at Universidad Central de Venezuela and a PhD degree in nuclear astrophysics at Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil. I got a master degree in High Performance Computing at the International Center of Theoretical Physics, Trieste. I worked as a teacher during many years at University level different courses: statistical physics, electromagnetism, etc. I work in the user support team and I collaborate in the organization of some courses offered by Cineca.
Event Timeslots (2)
Wed 18 – Programming Models & Tools
A. Marani, O. Troconis (CINECA)
Wed 18 – Programming Models & Tools
A. Marani, O. Troconis (CINECA)