Most practical applications of quantum algorithms require much more qubits than those provided by current platforms. Merely augmenting the number of physical qubits on a single device is not beneficial for the quality of the computation, because of the increasing noise. Future devices will adopt quantum error correction to extract few high-quality logical qubits from many noisy physical qubits. Therefore, to supply users with many logical qubits it will be necessary to adopt the Distributed Quantum Computing (DQC) paradigm, leveraging the functionalities provided by the Quantum Internet.
In this lecture, we introduce the DQC paradigm and its main challenges. Then, we present a modular quantum compilation framework for DQC that considers both network and device constraints and characteristics. Furthermore, we also discuss about execution management of DQC jobs produced by the quantum compiler, considering a datacenter environment.

Michele Amoretti – University of Parma & CINI lab HPC-KTT
Michele Amoretti is an Associate Professor of Computer Engineering at the University of Parma (Italy), where he leads the Quantum Software Laboratory (QSLab) in the Department of Engineering and Architecture. He is the Use Case Team Lead in the “Quantum Internet Alliance” project funded by the European Union – Horizon Europe – Quantum Flagship initiative. He is involved in the “National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI)” and in Spoke 10 of the “ICSC National Research Centre for High Performance Computing, Big Data and Quantum Computing”, both funded by the European Union – Next Generation EU. He is a member of the Italian delegation in the CEN-CENELEC JTC 22 “Quantum Technologies” and IEC/ISO JTC 3 “Quantum Technologies” standardisation committees.
Event Timeslots (1)
Mon 16 – Architecture
M. Amoretti (University of Parma & CINI lab HPC-KTT)