Event category: Fundamentals
Background of the topic
This Lecture will provide an overview about Special Purpose Processing devices, typically utilized as “accelerators” coupled with General Purpose Processors. Main focus will be on the well known GPUs (Graphical Processing Units), but other accelerators,…
The goal of this lecture is to present and compare the features of some of the most popular Big Data programming frameworks for HPC systems, such as Hadoop, Spark, Storm, Airflow, MPI, Hive, and Pig,…
The lecture shows new trends on HPC architectures, which will be based on heterogenous platforms mixing GPPs (General-Purpose-Processor) and accelerators. At the GPP side, new multi-core Arm 64b solutions with scalable vector extension recently emerged…
We discuss the history of MPI and its alternatives, in light of recent hardware and software developments. We will discuss how RMA features of modern hardware allow for the evolution of Partitioned Global Address Space…
In the lesson we will briefly see the state of the art of HPC systems and together we will try to trace the nautical route towards the future of HPC which seems increasingly dominated by…